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Moesha is a teenage girl that lives a typical American family life. She has three best friends, Kim, Hakeem, and Niecy. She goes to Crenshaw High School and has dreams of being a journalist. Her hobbies include writing poetry, hanging out at the Den, and checking out the hotties. She loves to fight for what's right. [[Follow along her journey and choose her faith]]
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Moesha just turned 16 and is finally allowed to date! Her dad is overprotective as always, but he's agreed to let her go out with boys. She doesn't have a specific type so she's open, but she won't fall for just anybody.
As she sits down with Niecy and Kim at the Den, a voice calls on her. She turns around and sees [[a fine brother with the name Ohagi]] or [[the new guy Q]] or [[her father]]
Ohagi is smooth. He has a way with words and looks even better on stage performing. He is known to be a player but has always been interested in Moesha. He meets up with her after school. While the two are sitting, Ohagi recites a poem, "Secret Love," to Moesha. The two lock eyes and share a pasionate kiss. Mesmorized, Moesha belives Ohagi truly cares for Moesha, and he might be the "one." He invites Moesha to the Den later that night, where he will be performing his new piece. Does she [[accept the invitation]] or [[play hard to get]] ?
<img src="" />When Moesha arrives to the Den, she meets up with Kim and Niecy. They grab a table and start mingling. Ohagi comes to the stage and begins reciting his new poem. Moesha is impressed. The crowd claps after he finishes. Afterwards, Moesha [[walks up to the stage to greet him]] or [[stays seated]]Moesha declines Ohagi's request. She makes up a lie that she has to babysit Myles. Ohagi understands and tell her, he will meet up with her the next day at school. Later that night, Moesha receives a call from Kim. [[Answer]] or [[Ignore]] Ohagi doesn't see Moesha and approaches another female. The female and Ohagi lock lips. Moesha see's this and runs away. She fell for his player ways.
Congratulations, you made Moesha heartbroken.
[[Hakeem to the rescue]] As Ohagi gets off stage, he approaches another females table and locks lip with her. Kim tells Moesha and Moesha turns her head and sees Ohagi with another girl.
Moesha is hurt by what she see's but is thankful she kept her dignity and did not walk up to him. Congratulations, you made Moesha heartbroken, but saved her the embarrassment.
[[Hakeem to the rescue]] Kim tells Moesha that after Ohagi performed on stage, he went to another female. Kim saw the two making out. Moesha was shook. She thanked Kim for letting her know the truth about Ohagi. The two get off the phone and Moesha is glad she dodged a bullet.
Congratulations, you saved Moesha from a broken heart.
Instead of jumping to find someone new, Moesha decides true love will come when the time is right.
Moesha ignores the call to get some sleep. The next day she arrives at school and approaches Ohagi to give him a hug. Ohagi looks at Moesha like he doesn't know her. Another female approaches them and Ohagi wraps his arm around her. Feeling dogged, Moesha runs to her locker. Kim, who saw the whole situation, approaches Moesha and says, "I tried to warn you."
Congratulations, you made Moesha heartbroken.
[[Hakeem to the rescue]] Hakeem Campbell is Moesha's lifelong friend and neighbor. He's always at the Mitchell's place (mostly for food). He considers himself part of the family. After he finds out what happened to Moesha with Ohagi, he goes to check on Moesha and comfort her. Moesha thanks Hakeem for being there for her [[and asks him to walk her home]]Quinton "Q" Brooks is the new guy at school. Originally from New York, Q is the bad boy type. When they first met, Moesha didn't take him serious. He always came off as standoff-ish so the two don’t hit it off in the beginning, but became interested in each other due to their opposite personalities.
When Moesha turns to talk to Q, he invites her to the Bombay, an underground hangout spot.
Moesha [[accepts]] as the two are walking, they talk about how much a player Ohagi is, and Moesha should have known better. When they reach her house, Hakeem lets Moesha know that any guy would be lucky to have her because she's beautiful, smart, creative, and has a bright future ahead. Moesha, grateful to hear this goes to give Hakeem a huge hug. The two stare into each others eyes, and fall into a quick kiss on the lips.
Shocked, Moesha takes a step back and comtemplates what her next move is.
[[friendzone Hakeem]] or [[ask him what just happened]]Moesha quickly tells Hakeem that shouldn't have happened. Moesha explains to Hakeem that she views him as a brother, and thinks they are better off as friends. Getting romantically involved might make things awkwards if they end up breaking up, then nothing will be the same.
Hakeem understands and leaves Moesha.
They next day they pretend the kiss never happened and go back to being friends. Hakeem confesses that he has always had feelings for Moesha. Moesha, still processing everything, realizes she has feelings for Hakeem too.
The two decide they are going to explore a relationshop together.
[[as the days go by]]
<img src="" />Frank tells Moesha there's someone he wants her to meet. The two leave the Den and he introduces Moesha to Aaron. The two met each other at the Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity picnic.
Moesha is immediately infatuated with Aaron. He is tall, good looking, has a cute smile, and older! Aaron is a freshman at Stanford University and very involved on campus. [[Next]]Hakeem and Moesha begin spending more time with each other and enjoy each others company. Since they were already close, the relationship naturally progressed. Everyone supported them and Moesha found herself falling in love with Hakeem.
One day Hakeem gives Moesha a necklace to signify his love. Moesha accepts and the two go on to prosper in their relationship.
Congratulations, you helped Moesha find her true love.
<img src="" />The two start a long distance relationship, but Aaron visits almost every weekend.
Moesha enjoys how mature Aaron is, not like any of those highschool boys.
One night the two are watching a romance movie and the topic of love comes up. Moesha asks Aaron if he loves her.
Aaron tells Moesha [[Yes]] or [[No]]
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Aaron tells Moesha he loves her, and Moesha says it back. Though the two have not been dating long, Moesha believes Aaron is the "one" for her. Shortly after, Moesha and Aaron fall into a passionate kiss.
They are interrupted by a knock on the door.
The next day, Moesha meets with Kim and Niecy at the Den. While chatting, Moesha tells them that she thinks she wants to lose her virginity to Aaron.
Niecy advises Moesha to get on birth control and make sure Aaron is truly, the "one."
[[Moesha goes to the health clinic]]Moesha gets on birth control pills.
The next day, Dee finds the pills in her back. She contronts Moesha.
Dee tells Moesha she is too young to be thinking about sex and should wait before she makes the decision to lose something so sacred.
Moesha [[Listens to Dee]] or [[Assures Dee she knows what she's doing]]
<img src="" />Moesha learns that her and Aaron don't have much in common.
The two end their relationship on good terms, and decide to mutually be friends. Moesha is glad she took the time to get to know Aaron.
Congratulations, you saved Moesha from a heartbreak.
Instead of jumping to find someone new, Moesha decides true love will come when the time is right.
Moesha takes Dee's advice and realizes she should not rush to sleep with Aaron.
[[Now what]] Moesha understand what Dee is saying, but believes she is making the right decision. She ends up meeting with Aaron later that night. They engage in akward small talk then proceed to start kissing.
Moesha thinks she hears someone walking in the house. Aaron tells Moesha, "it's fine, you're not the first one to be in this room." Moesha, immediately offended, stands up and asks Aaron how many girls has he been with.
Aaron [[refuses to answer]]Aaron thinks Moesha is moving too fast. He tells Moesha even though they have been having a good time together, they barely know each other.
Moesha understands and the two work towards getting to know each other better.
[[Now what]]Aaron tells Moesha, "you knew I wasn't a virgin." Moesha agrees, but she feels she should still know his sexual history. Aaron tries to change the subject.
Moesha tries to guess and Aaron continues to refuse to answer.
Moesha realizes she should have never tried to rush things with Aaron without knowing all she needed to know. She leaves Aaron and the two never speak again.
Congratulations, you made Moesha heartbroken.When she arrives at the Bombay, the crowd is jumping and Q is up next. He performs a rap dedicated to her. Moesha realizes Q might not be so bad after all.
The two start spending more time together and Moesha slowly begins falling behind on her school work. They get into some trouble here and there, but Moesha enjoys the thrill.
Moesha wants Q to meet her dad for a stamp of approval.
[[Q plans to come over to her place for dinner]]
Off the bat, Frank is not fond of Q. Q tells Frank he does not plan on going to college, and wants to pursue a rap career. Frank immediately judges Q and does not care to get to know him anymore. After dinner ends, Frank forbidds Moesha of dating Q, claiming Q is a bad influence and has no plans of a bright future.
Moesha decides to [[listen to her dad]] or [[sneak around with Q]]
<img src="" />Moesha trusts her father and knows he wants the best for her. He explains to Moesha that Q may mean well, but he has a lot of growing up to do. The two of them have a long conversation about relationships and knowing your worth. Moesha appreciates her father for sitting down to talk to her and she realizes though they had a good time, Q cared more about himself, than he did her.
After everything that happened, she calls Q and lets him know she would rather just be friends. Q understands and tells Moesha he just found out from his dad that he is arranging to move the family back to New York next month. This confirms she made the right decison.
Congratulations, Moesha realizes Q is not her true love.
Instead of jumping to find someone new, Moesha decides true love will come when the time is right.
Moesha ignores her father and sneaks around to be with Q. The two go on secret dates and try to make the most out of their forbidden love.
One night Moesha has the house to herself. She invites Q over. From chating it up on the couch, the two end up in Moesha's bedroom. Next thing they know, they are caught making out on the bed by Dee and Frank.
Moesha is grounded for a month.
Does she [[give up]] or [[keep trying]]
The two struggle to make it work. Between the sneaking around and her fathers disapproval, Moesha begins to realize the relationship isn't working. Q agrees, and though he loves her, explains, if its meant to be, it will be.
Moesha understands and the two remain friends. Down the line, Q ends up moving, and Moesha moves on. Eventually, the two cross paths again and rekindle their flame. They decide to give the relationship another try.
The relationship is short, and they end up breaking up for good due to communication issues.
Congratulations, you made Moesha heartbroken.Moesha realizes all this could have been avoided. As she is grounded, she decides to [[listen to her dad]]